Innovation Services
Welcome to Team Power International, your trusted partner in innovation consulting and training services. With our expertise and comprehensive solutions, we empower organizations to thrive in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. From developing innovative strategies to building a culture of innovation, we offer a wide range of services to help you stay ahead of the curve. Discover how partnering with us can drive your organization's success.
Innovation Strategy Development
Crafting a robust innovation strategy is crucial for organizations looking to stay ahead in today's dynamic and competitive business landscape. Our experienced team of innovation consultants works closely with clients to understand their unique challenges and objectives. We leverage proven methodologies to identify opportunities, assess risks, and create a roadmap for successful innovation implementation.
Innovation Training & Certification
Empowering your workforce with the right skills and mindset is essential for fostering innovation within your organization. Our comprehensive training programs and Global Innovation Academy (GIA) certification courses are designed to equip individuals and teams with the latest innovation tools, methodologies, and creative thinking techniques necessary to drive innovation and solve complex problems.
Global Innovation Award
The Global Innovation Award is a prestigious international award aiming at recognizing and rewarding innovation game-changers in government and private sector organizations.
This award is designed based on the Global Innovation Framework to assist organizations in creating a culture of innovation, building innovation capability, and rewarding leading innovative organizations for their achievements.
The award is a unique opportunity to recognize and reward those who have made remarkable contributions to the advancement of their industry and the progress of the global economy.
Corporate Innovation Assessment
Assessing the organization's innovation maturity and capabilities is crucial for the corporate innovation journey. Based on the Global Innovation framework, our innovation assessment services provide a comprehensive analysis of the organization's innovation readiness, culture, processes, resources, partnership, results, etc. We provide in-depth insights and actionable recommendations to enhance the innovation effectiveness and drive organizational growth.
Innovation Lab design & development
Creating a dedicated space for innovation is essential for fostering creativity, collaboration, and experimentation. Our experts assist you in designing and developing customized innovation labs tailored to your specific needs. From physical spaces to digital platforms, we create environments that foster creativity, cross-functional collaboration, and rapid prototyping.
Innovation Capacity Building
Building a sustainable innovation culture requires developing the capacity of individuals, teams, and leaders. Our innovation capacity-building programs focus on forming and developing leadership and innovation teams, identifying innovation types and selecting innovation tactics, evaluating creative ideas, developing idea profiling and action plans, developing an innovation recognition and reward system, and facilitating the innovation journey by implementing design thinking and innovation sprints.